We have an exciting term ahead full of wonderful learning experiences for our students. I sent out the term calendar on Monday, so i hope you all received it.  We said “goodbye” to Alexis at the end of last term. This was a real shame as she was doing so well here at Rangitaiki School. She has moved back to Auckland to be near family.

The house and flat are now rented and we welcome Olli, Helen and Mark to our community. I am sure you will get to meet them during the year at school and community events and gatherings.


We have two trips during the first few weeks of this term. The first one is for our swimming lessons at the A.C Baths. This will be every day from the 14th – 25th of May. We will be having an early lunch at 11.45-12.15.   Leave for the lessons at 12.15 . We swim from 1pm-1.30pm and will return for the bus at 2.30pm. We will be traveling by minivan each day.  The second trip is based around out topic this term of  “Native NZ”. As part of our unit, we are going on a boat trip on Lake Taupo with the Taupo Cruise Cat.  This trip is happening on the  6th of June.  If parents want to join us for the trip the cost is only $10.00  I will send out a separate permission slip for these trips.


Rangitaiki Field Day  8th May 


Field day: Beef & Dairy-Beef Progeny Tests Tuesday 8th May 11am-4pm Rangitaiki Station Woolshed,
422 Matea Road Rangitaiki Station is about 35 minutes east of Taupo and 10 minutes from Rangitaiki.
From the Napier-Taupo highway (SH5), turn onto Matea Rd. Continue on Matea Rd for approximately 4kms.
The woolshed will be on your right, with a signpost: “Whakatau #2 Woolshed”
TOPICS ! Fed well, bred well: stepping up to heifer mating – Max Tweedie,B+LNZ Genetics ! Real bulls on real farms: beef progeny test results – Jason Archer, AbacusBio ! Proving beef bulls for dairy cows: dairy-beef progeny test – Rebecca Hickson, Massey University ! Farm tour and cattle viewing

4WD only – no quads
Lunch provided

For more details contact 027 404 5205

Rangitaiki Station is having a  Field Day on Tuesday the 8th of May.

Can you help by supplying some baking to feed all the people they will have to visit during the day?

Christina can pick it up from school on Monday.  The hall and school will benefit from any profits made by the catering.


Rangitaiki Community Hall- next to the school.

11am start- finish with lunch at 1pm. Arrive a bit before 11 and grab a tea or coffee before the meeting starts.

Come to a local meeting to hear about what is happening in the Rangitaiki catchment. Meet Regional Council staff that are involved in land management, water policy, bio-security and the Freshwater Futures programme.

Lunch will be provided at the end of the meeting around 1pm.

RSVP and contact Mieke Kapap with any queries.

Mieke Kapa

Land Management Officer


P: 0800 884 880 DD: 0800 884 881 Extension 9534


 We are gaining two new students around the 20th of May. A 6 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. They are moving to Taharua road. This will bring our roll to  8.

As part of our Inquiry topic on “Native NZ” the children are writing speeches to be recorded and played at the end of the term. They can do work on these at home as well as at school. The task is to create a 3 minute speech on anything that is Native to NZ.  All of the students have picked their topic and have already started to research facts and information about them.

After swimming is out of the way we will be starting ukulele lessons with a group called ‘Rockademy’. The students will perform for you on the 6th of July at the end of term concert.  We will also be playing the speech videos at this concert.

We are still collecting those plastic bottle tops for our school mural. Drop them off anytime at school.


Playgroup is still going every Wednesday at 10am in the Community Hall. Please spread the word so we get more parents joining in.  I am happy to change the time or day of week if you hear that it doesn’t suit people with toddlers.


The next board meeting is Thursday the 10th of May in the staff room at 6.30pm. All are welcome.



 The Ministry of Education have given us an extra $29.000 top up so that we can complete a project this year to build an outside learning environment . This building will be where the lunch tables are in the courtyard. This project will see a new decked area that has a permanent cover over it. We will use this area in the summer for eating and learning as well as a great space for community events and concerts.

We are loving the new blinds we have in both classrooms. thanks to a grant we obtained from the Taupo Rotary group.



Lovely local lady Nicola Martin is looking for accommodation in the Rangitaiki area.  She is only looking for a one or two bedroom house that can accommodate her and her pets.  Please ring Nicky on 022 643 8120


Andrea Haycock



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