News letter 26th July

26th July 2018

Term Three

Term three has started with 10 students! We welcomed Jahmin Cates 5yrs and Lilly Wright 5yrs to our little school this week. They both have settled into Rangitaiki School and have already made friends.




We are learning about ‘Communication’ this term. The children will be writing to pen friends, learning good phone manners, learning about how important listening is when communicating. Learning about how communication is different for different cultures and for different needs. They will learn about art, music, dance and poetry and how they are communicating an idea or story.

We have started our music and dance lessons on Tuesdays which is lots of fun. You will get to see this in action in week 5, when we hold a ‘Rock n Roll’ lunch.


Please make sure you check your child’s bag each night for newsletters or forms to be filled in. They will also have spelling to learn and a book to read. The new date for spelling test will be Monday with new words going home every Monday.

Parent Interviews

Parent Interviews notices were sent home on Monday. Thank you to those that returned the slip. If you wish to have an interview about your child/children’s learning. Just let us know and we will make a time.



Rangitaiki Station have offered to do this wonderful fundraiser for our community again.

We are off to see the crutching at Rangitaiki Station on Friday (tomorrow). The children will travel in Miss Patterson’s and Mrs Bunny’s vehicles. They will be at the station from around 1pm till 2pm and be back in time for the bus.

If you have baking for the people helping or would like to go and help it would be appreciated. (See information below). It is lots of fun and a great way to meet others in the community. No prior work experience necessary.

Rangitaiki is crutching its dry hogget’s for a fund raiser for the school and community hall again this year. We only have about 1200 to do so will only be a 2 – 3 hour misson.


Date : Friday the 27th of July (next week)

Time: 1pm start

Where: Whakatua woolshed – Matea rd

Plan: There will be a BBQ put on afterwards

Spread the word, be great to see some of you for a catch up.

Farm Business Manager

D: +64 (27) 458-2545
M: +64 (27) 458-2545


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