20/1/2021 First Newsletter for 2021
Happy New Year! We hope you all have had a fantastic holiday with family and friends and are excited about the year ahead. We have- as always, lots of new and exciting things planned for our tamariki at Rangitaiki School and are ready to start on the 3rd of February.
This is just a short informational newsletter to bring you up to date with what’s on top and what you need to know before school starts.
We have a new teacher starting on Friday the 5th of February. Glenda Drake will take over from Victoria as my Principal Release Teacher. Mrs. Drake comes with years of experience in teaching. She is also a music teacher which will be fantastic for our students. Please pop in and introduce yourselves to her.
The school stationery lists went home at the end of last year. The school board has decided that we would leave it up to parents to buy the stationery each year and we would just stock the top up bits and pieces during the year. If you have lost your stationery list, please send us a message on messenger so we can flick you a new one. I would like all children to come with their stationery on the first day of school, please.
We are wearing the summer uniform in term 1. Shorts, skorts, and t-shirts. These are also now to be organized and bought by parents as the school ended up have debt caused by orders that were never paid for etc. If you need to order some new uniform pieces for 2021 Lorraine has the list and where to purchase these from. We did notice that some of the students’ uniforms were needing replacing or mending in 2020 so it might be a timely reminder to get them out and check them over before school starts.
Trip 16th -17th FEB.
We are very lucky to have locked in an overnight trip to Tom Loughlin’s pa. Tom has the business Kai Waho (look it up online). His pa is over the back of Lochinver/ Poronui and Tom provides wonderful enriching programs for children and adults into the local area, stories, and food. The children will travel in by car- Myself, Rose Patterson and Tom will be staying overnight with the children. We do not require any more parents to help out but of course, you are welcome to come out and join us for the day. I will send home more information and a gear list when school starts back. At the moment we have enough funding to pay for the two-day adventure but may need a koha for food and travel.
Board news
We will be having a board meeting on the 24th of February 6.30pm in the staffroom. At this meeting we will start the process of advertising for board members for our exsisting board positions.
We will also go over the strategic plan for the year for our school.
If you would like to be invovled int he school Governance please come along or ask Lorriane for more information on the board by- election.
Flat for rent
Our school flat is vacant if you know of anyone who would like to rent it. It is a small 2 bedroom flat but nice and cosy and has a lovely big section and sunny deck. Ring Hayley at Westermans for more information.
Calendar of important dates
3rd Feb School starts
8th Feb No school Waitangi Day observed
16th-17th Feb. Overnight stay at Tom’s Pa
22nd Feb-5th March. Swimming Lessons each day 11.30-11.55am.
5th March. School athletics. 1pm
10th March Interschool athletics
2nd April – 6th April Easter holiday. ( 5 days)
16th April Last Day term 1.
I am always contactable by mobile or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Andrea Haycock ( Principal)